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 1. Alexandria Hughes Little  Jesus Christ's Ring  from the Shut Yer Hole Records cassette 'Bizarro Compilation #1' SYH 004-4 
 2. Alexandria Hughes Little  Jesus Christ's Ring  from the Shut Yer Hole Records cassette 'Bizarro Compilation #1' SYH 004-4 
 3. Alexandria Hughes Little  Jesus Christ's Ring  from the Shut Yer Hole Records cassette 'Bizarro Compilation #1' SYH 004-4 
 4. Altier, Fr. Robert  Jesus Christ: God & Man #2  Fundamentals of Catholicism 
 5. Elephant Micah  Jesus Christ  A Very Standard Christmas 
 6. Chris Adolf  Jesus Christ  2008-08-23 Meadowlark Living Room Series 
 7. Dir en grey  Jesus Christ R'nR  Withering to death  
 8. Paul Stanley  Jesus Christ: Who Is He?   
 9. St. Andrew's Sanctuary Choir  Jesus Christ our God's own Son  Good Friday 2007 
 10. Altier, Fr. Robert  Jesus Christ: God & Man #1  Fundamentals of Catholicism 
 11. Pastor Michael Wilson  Jesus: The Christ  Living Free Today 
 12. Big Star  Jesus Christ  Third/Sister Lovers   
 13. Big Star  Jesus Christ  Third/Sister Lovers   
 14. Big Star  Jesus Christ  The 12 Playlists of Alternative-Indie Christmas Songs   
 15. Esther Lee  Jesus Is The Christ  Where Glory Began 
 16. Woody Guthrie  Jesus Christ  This Land is Your Land: The Asch Recordings, Vol. 1   
 17. Elephant Micah  Jesus Christ  A Very Standard Christmas 
 18. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  The Man Christ Jesus  The God Journey 
 19. Boyd K. Packer  Who Is Jesus Christ?  Ensign, March 2008 
 20. Brand New  Jesus Christ  The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me  
 21. Brand New  Jesus Christ  The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me   
 22. Brand New  Jesus Christ  The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me   
 23. David Luke  Jesus – The Christ  Studies in Mark (DL) 
 24. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  The Man Christ Jesus  The God Journey 
 25. David Luke  Jesus – The Christ  Studies in Mark (DL) 
 26. BYU Broadcasting  Ye are All One in Christ Jesus  Acts to Revelation 
 27. Glen Davis  I Believe in Jesus Christ  Chi Alpha @ Stanford 
 28. Deer Tick  Christ Jesus  War Elephant   
 29. Hijackalope  Jesus Christ Goldfish  Boss Dick 
 30. Hijackalope  Jesus Christ Goldfish  Boss Dick 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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